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Help iOS developers quit their 9-5 jobs by offering a way to create apps faster and earn passive income sooner.


Swift MakerShip your iOS side project in record time

Swift MakerShip is the SwiftUI boilerplate that empowers serious iOS developers to transform side projects into profitable apps in record time.

Say goodbye to unshipped apps and missed opportunities ❌

  • Stop losing potential users to competitors
  • Don't miss out on real-world feedback
  • Accelerate your learning curve
  • Don't postpone your App Store success

Transform your app creation process with Swift Maker

Key Features

  • Everything pre-integrated and ready to go: In-App-Purchase, Analytics, AI integrations, Authentication, Data persistence, and more
  • Modularized architecture: Reduce build time and iterate faster on your app
  • Services integrated: Including In-App-Purchase, Analytics, AI integrations, Authentication, Data persistence, and more
  • Personal Backend: Includes Roadmap, personal services, AI API Relay to keep your app secure and polyvalent
  • Everything Localized: Send your app worldwide thanks to string localizations already set up for you
  • Fastlane script: Publish your app faster and automatically
  • Documentation and Tutorials: Get started with the documentation and tutorials to make your indie dream a reality


  • Focus on your app's unique features: Spend less time on boilerplate code and repetitive setups
  • Accelerate your path to profitability: Divide your development time and ship faster
  • Boost your productivity instantly: Never work on secondary tasks, only your app core feature
  • Sign-in made easy: Apple sign-in and Google sign-in already supported and implemented
  • Design System: Dark-light, theme switching, fonts & colors, everything to make your app stand out
  • One to rule them all: Use the same language for your app and your backend, simple as that
  • Join the exclusive community of passionate app makers: Share your experience and learn from others in the Discord community

Swift Maker is the solution for iOS developers who want to launch their apps faster and smarter. Ready to boost your productivity and ship your app today? Choose your plan and get started now!

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