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Ship your startup in days, not weeks

Web Development

The NextJS boilerplate with all you need to build your SaaS, AI tool, or any other web app and make your first $ online fast.

Login users, process payments and send emails at lightspeed. Spend your time building your startup, not integrating APIs. ShipFast provides you with the boilerplate code you need to launch, FAST.


  • Send transactional emails
  • DNS setup to avoid spam folder (DKIM, DMARC, SPF in subdomain)
  • Webhook to receive & forward emails
  • Time saved: 3 hours


  • Create checkout sessions
  • Handle webhooks to update user's account (subscriptions, one-time payments...)
  • Tips to setup your account & reduce chargebacks
  • Time saved: 5 hours

User authentification:

  • Magic links setup
  • Login with Google walkthrough
  • Save user in MongoDB/Supabase
  • Private/protected pages & API calls
  • Time saved: 4 hours


  • Mongoose schema | Postgres tables
  • Mongoose plugins to make your life easier
  • Time saved: 2 hours


  • Entire blog structure
  • All meta tags to rank on Google
  • OpenGraph tags to share on social media
  • Automated sitemap generation to fasten Google indexing
  • Structured data markup for Rich Snippets
  • SEO-optimized UI components
  • Time saved: 8 hours


  • Components, animations & sections (like this features section)
  • 20+ themes with daisyUI
  • Automatic dark mode
  • Time saved: 8 hours


  • Tips to write copy that sells
  • Discord community to stay accountable
  • Crisp customer support (auto show/hide, variables...)
  • Collect emails for a waitlist if your product isn't ready
  • Prompts to generate terms & privacy policy with ChatGPT
  • Copy paste code templates
  • Dead simple tutorials
  • Time saved: ∞ hours

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